7 Reasons why Marketers in Nepal need to be Excellent Content Writers

Doesn’t matter if you are studying marketing or working as a marketer, you cannot escape writing. And why would you? Gone are the days when marketing was considered a job of knocking on random doors and begging customers to listen to your product or service descriptions. Today, it’s content creation that rules the world of marketing. Any kind of content, video, audio, blog, podcast, screenplay, etc. starts with a content idea that is materialized through writing.

Nepal is going digital. The customers are smarter than ever. This which makes your work as a marketer easier if you are good with words and more difficult if you are not. Today, your sales pitch has the potential to directly reach people’s social media newsfeeds, social media stories, e-mails, and various inboxes through hand-held devices. Marketing in Nepal is evolving from Traditional to Digital. To excel in Marketing, you have to know how to materialize your ideas. This can only be achieved with excellent content-writing skills.

Just go to your neuro gym and reflect on how many people used to watch television, listen to the radio, or read newspapers, magazines, or other forms of print media a few years back. Compare that with the number of people now. Do you find a difference? It has taken a huge plunge downwards, hasn’t it? Forget about youngsters, even many middle-aged and older Nepalese can be seen enjoying going through their social media newsfeeds now and then. If your business wants to make an impact on customers, you need to first enter their handheld devices.

Therefore, if you are studying marketing or already working as a Marketing Professional, you cannot do without being an exceptional writer.

Here are 7 reasons why every Marketer in Nepal needs to be an excellent content writer:

  1. A marketing professional needs to say the Best things: Putting words on paper or a word processor is easy. Any literate person can do it. But it takes real skill to be able to write well. Derived from the set of people who can write well, is a subset of people who can write to persuade. As a marketing professional, you need to be able to describe your product or service in the best words possible. The choice of words used can either make or break your marketing campaign.
  2. Not just WHAT but HOW?: Writing is not about writing until your fingers bleed and overloading the reader with information. With the attention span of customers reducing every single day, marketers need to present their message effectively. Learning to write well by teaching you how to give information with fewer words and shorter sentences makes your paragraphs highly efficient.
  3. Facilitate close-packed messaging: People generally tend to read in an F-shaped manner starting from the full title and moving down to scanning just the points from left to right. Learning to write exceptionally helps you format your message in a way that is appealing to the audience facilitating high engagement.
  4. Talking to the customers: I do not mean face-to-face two-way interaction. Big words filled with jargon are displeasing to the audience. A reader shouldn’t feel stupid after coming into contact with your audience. Marketers, therefore, should be able to write in a way that feels like a simple conversation with the audience.
  5. Adding value: So you have given a long list of features describing how great your product is. An interested customer might through all of it but ultimately doesn’t realize what to do with the product. Buy it immediately, wait for some time, or just move on? A lot of marketers are skilled at describing but fail to tell the audience about the ‘value’ that the product or service will add to their lives. An efficient marketer should be able to simply the technicalities of the product and talk about value.
  6. Emphasize the ‘Call to Action’: What is most important for a marketer in any campaign? It’s to create a sense of urgency to make the audience take action. Taking action may range from asking them to buy or simply liking, sharing, or commenting on the content created. Keeping the audience engaged with the brand. This is what marketers need to be able to do efficiently.
  7. Marketers need good words every day: Not just for the sake of writing, the ability to use the power of words comes in handy for marketers every day. A marketer’s job is highly interactive. He/She is always engaged in giving a presentation, making a sales pitch, talking to clients and other businesses, drafting a letter or proposal, etc. Therefore, being a good writer is always an added advantage for a marketer.

Courtesy: Trilogy Digital Pathshala – Best Content Writing Certification Training Course in Nepal

For more information, visit: Digital Marketing Training Course.

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