7 Steps to connect with billions of people to win: Facebook Advertising

Why not advertise your product on the largest social media platform?

Did you know the daily active users(DAUs) of Facebook is 1.84 billion?

If that amazes you, the more shaking the monthly active users(MAUs) of Facebook i.e. 2.6 billion on average.

Facebook has a huge user base. That’s why many businesses are on Facebook. They want you to try their products.

Every business says its product is the best in the market, better than the rest. But the only way that can make your product stand out is through wild and powerful advertising.

Want to know what can be more profitable with powerful advertisements?

  • To have greater reach with the least cost.
  • To put your product in front of a specific audience.
  • To reach people who want your product.
  • Increase your brand awareness.
  • Retarget existing audience.
  • Increase revenue, sales, and leads.

Yes, if you want these benefits, the only option is to go for Facebook Advertising.

The king of Social Media – Facebook!

In layman’s terms, Facebook advertising is the advertising of a product or brand on Facebook. The advertisement follows Facebook’s guidelines and rules to appear on someone’s newsfeed.

When you scroll through your newsfeed, the posts that appear on your feeds may seem like it is for you. You relate to that post or you must have wanted the similar product you’ve been searching for.

Those are Facebook ads that target specific users. The users with specific characteristics, interests, and behavior. When you search for things, the second after you start to get posts related to the search you made.

They blend their ads with the regular flow of feeds on Facebook. You don’t even realize you are seeing any Facebook ads. You watch it, like it, and sometimes buy the product.

The different types of Ads that Facebook offers are;

  • Single Image Ads

This is the most used ad on Facebook. The format includes a single image with some descriptions of the product. It is sponsored content that appears on the newsfeed of your target audience.

  •  Multi-image Ads/ Carousel Ads

This format combines multiple images or video content on a single ad. A single ad to showcase multiple products. It uses images in succession to share the product information or story. 

  • Video Ads

In this format, you use video to show your products or brand.

  • Lead Ads

These ads allow you to create contact forms in your ad. This lets you find people who have an interest in your product. Then, collect information about them.

This provides people to get information quickly and safely.

  • Slideshow Ads

These ads are video-like ads that allow you to show your product in a slideshow of images. But it uses less data and loads faster than video ads. It uses motion, sounds, and text to tell your story.

This ad allows the advertisers to reach people who use basic devices and have slow networks.

  • Collection Ads

An ad format that shows a primary video or image with four smaller accompanying images. The following images are below in a grid-like layout. This moves people from discovery to sale of the product in a smooth way.

How can you create Facebook Ads?

You can follow these steps to craft the ad. The steps include;

  1. Decide on your goal.

It means choosing the ad goal. Why do you want to do Facebook ads? What is your motive behind your advertisement?

  1. To attract and reach more customer
  2. Build awareness
  3. Gain an online presence
  4. Create your brand 
  5. Get more subscriber 
  6. Remind your audience 
  7. Increase Sales 
  8. Gain more downloads of your app 

2. Audience

The audience to whom you want to target your ads.

One of the main features of Facebook advertising is its custom audience feature. This allows your ads to be very specific about the viewers you want to target.

You can select your audience based on age, demographics, location, interest, etc.

3. Where to run ads?

This is to decide on where you want to run your ad on Facebook.

The placement of your ad is available on;

Messenger Inbox; ads appear between messenger conversations. The users click the ad to know more about the product or business. 

Facebook Newsfeed

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Right Column: ads appear on the right side of Facebook. It is a desktop-format ad.

Facebook Video Feeds

Facebook and Messenger Stories:  62% of users express their interest in brands after seeing ads in stories. 

4. How Much?

This is the time to set your budget for your advertisement. Decide on a budget for your ad, and the time you want it to run.

Many businesses choose Facebook advertising because it is cost-effective. Greater reach at least cost. Facebook charges you the amount which they think of as the least for the campaign. The cost varies depending on how much you want to spend, the goal, duration, your content, and other factors.

5. Select the format

The next step to creating an appealing ad is to select the format you want to use for your ad.

Facebook offers six different types of formats you can use;

  • Photo ads
  • Carousel Ads
  •  Video Ads
  • Slideshow Ads
  • Instant Experience Ads

6. Order

To place your ad on Facebook, it needs to fulfill 3 main criteria. It includes bid, ad quality, and estimated action rates. These criteria ensure that both parties(viewers and businesses) gain value from it.

A single user can be a target audience for many advertisers. In such a case, an auction takes place to select which ad should be on the newsfeed of that person.

Which ad to show to the user depends on the above-mentioned three measures. The ad with the highest total value is the winner of the auction. The total value is the sum of these three criteria.

The criteria or measures include;

  • Bid

It is a bid by advertisers for their ads. This shows how much they are willing to pay to place the ad.

  • Estimated Action Rates

It shows how likely the viewers of your ad act on your ad. Facebook estimates the action rate of your target audience to decide on whether to show your ad. 

  • Ad Quality

It is the measure of the quality of an ad. The higher the ad quality greater the chances of winning the auction.

The quality of an ad is assessed by measuring many factors;

– Low-quality attribute

– Use quality ranking

– Feedback from people viewing or hiding the ad, and other factors.

  1. Assess and Manage Ads

Monitoring your ads allows you to find whether the ad is performing as planned or not. This helps you to find any lacking to make improvements. Or, decide on whether you need to change the campaign and start another one that can work better.

For this, you can use Facebook Ad Manager, Business Manager, or Power Editor.

These steps can help you gain the most out of your Facebook ads.

When Facebook connects people, it also connects people to businesses and brands. If you want to connect with more than 2 billion people, you should use Facebook Advertising.


Facebook Advertising is an important tool for businesses looking to expand their digital reach. It helps businesses reach their target audience through detailed targeting and personalized ad formats. Since it is cost-effective and simple to use, it has become one of the popular choices for all sizes of businesses. Using Facebook Ads can help you raise brand awareness, reach a wider audience, and increase revenue. Facebook Ads are the undeniable king of social media advertising, and they have the potential to transform businesses.

Facebook Advertising

Connecting People, with Brands!


For more information, visit: Digital Marketing Training Course.

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